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Monday, June 8, 2009

Rykin Goldfish

It is a high hump Gold fish looks really beautiful when it moves in your tank.With Favorable conditions A Ryukin Goldfish can grow up to 10 inches long if provided with good care and enough space.A big place is required for these fish to grow so it would be good to put in a
pond rather than tanks or aquarium.It can live upyo 12-15 years.It is also a cold water fish.They are also considered as the eggshaped goldfish.

This fish was developed in Japan and is one of the popular fishes in US.

Ryukin Goldfish was only in red in colour, but nowadays found in large variety of colours
like blue,white,calico, green, chocolate and in combinations of red and white.

It is a Ominivorus fish.Feed lots of spirulina,lettuce and shelled green peas.It prefers dropping food than the floating pellets.The foods
like cocktail shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, and krill brine shrimp can also be served.

Suitable Condition:
Temp : 65 - 72° F (18°- 22° C)
Hardness : 5 - 19° dGH
Ph : 6.0 to 8.0

Lionhead,Oranda Goldfish and Ranchu Goldfish are more suitable companions since they are og sturdy nature.They should not be kept with more weak Telescopic eyes and Bubble Eye or any other slow moving fishes as Rykin will bully those fishes.

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