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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bubble Eye Goldfish

These are basically small variety of goldfish.They have a upward pointing eyes.The significant feature of this goldfish is they have two large fluid filled sacs near their eyes called bubbles.These bubbles are fragile and will again grow if damaged.They are similar to the celestials eyes.They normally grow up to 6 to 8 inches in length.

It has its origin has Japan and China.

The Bubble Eye Goldfish will generally eat all kinds of fresh, frozen, and flake food as they are omnivorus.

Suitable conditions:
Temp:18°- 22° C
Ph: 6.0 to 8.0

They live in community.Like thee Telescope Goldfish and Celestial Goldfish, the Bubble Eye can be visually handicapped.They should not be left with fast moving fishes.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

LIonchu Goldfish

It is a result of crossbreeding of lion heads and Ranchus.With suitable conditions this species will grow from ten to
twelve inches in length and will weigh several pounds.These are too slow moving goldfishes.
These goldfish comes on lot of colors like red, orange, chocolate, blue and black.They do not have dorsal fins.

Their roots goes back to Thailand where it has originated and was developed or popularized in Singapore.

These goldfish comes on lot of colors like red, orange, chocolate, blue and black.

frozen,fresh and flake foods are suitable.Avoid live worms as they might cause disease.

They live in community.These are visually impaired and should be kept with slow movers like the lionhaed
and the Telescopic.That is they have to be kept with slow eaters of food.

suitable conditions:
Temperature : 18°- 22° C
PH:6 to 8